
在Texas A&M U 读书的经历

2013年10月20日 来源:挚拓教育 作者:挚拓留学 人浏览

挚拓教育:这是挚拓教育傅滨老师之前送出去的一个学生,我们称她为L同学吧。她在Texas A&M U 读poultry science MS,傅滨老师会与送出去的学生保持着沟通,了解他们的最新动态。以下是傅滨老师与学生的一个邮件往来,在经得双方同意后,发于本网站,让同事们可以更加了解这个项目课程,以及收获L同学的留学建议。





我过年没有回家,但是元旦回了趟家,只待了8天,光倒时差玩了。学习和生活都挺好的,就是天天写论文,查资料,很累很累。我都想不到我来了快一年了,太快了。关于你说的奖学金,总体来说是取决于教授有没有研究资金,要是教授没钱,经济再好也没用,我的奖学金基本没受什么影响,和上一年一样,奖学金除了从教授那里要钱,还可以向学校申请,当然这种奖学金要在本校选过课,有GPA的前提下,只要所有课程维持到B,就有资格申请,我今年申请了一个,虽然不多,500多刀,但是也够健康保险了,所以我觉得没太受经济影响。关于套教授,我是一点经验也没有,家禽系的教授我都认识,化学系的都不认识,其实教授都很喜欢要中国学生,据我了解,这边的竞争也不是那么厉害,教授招学生,学生们也是迟迟不来,不过那都是美国学生,牛啊!哪像我们在国内,申请那么费劲,我觉得要是教授不回信的,那他一定是不缺学生,或者根本没有引起他的注意,一般一个教授最多俩学生,等学生快毕业了才招下一个,我们这里是5月和10 月学生毕业,所以你也不要太心急,碰运气吧!









how are you? I'm liuxiao, I have arrived at school about 20days, everything are fine, i just cannot stand the whether here, it is so hot,  I'm here to kill chicken everyday, can you imagine? I have never killed the chicken before, but I killed a lot these days, I'm an expert in killing now. Are you busy these days? I can imagine, you receive a lot of admission letters, you are so happy.hehe. I havn't regist any classes in summer, my professor want me to do 6 hours research, so I'm in charge of the whole farm now, because other students have classes. I'm totally a farmer now, you cannot tell a black girl from me except I smile(tooth).hehe. I feel fine here except sometimes I cannot understand what my professor talking about, so we sometimes smile to each other instead of talking.


ok, I wish you happy everyday. miss you1






My research is 6 hours, I have a big pressure too, I must write one thesis before august 4, then I will go to Atlanta, because my study committe are there, they will decide if I'm qualified for these 6 hours, in other word i think they will decide what kind of chicken I will kill in next semester, maybe turkey,hehe.


In fact, I feel so difficult to read paper and especially to write one, but I just got my first salary, so I'm happy,happy and more happy, my professor always want me to write something, I talked to him that I like kill chicken more than write, but he insist that I should write something, so i went to library everyday till 2 clock in the morning, now you know I'm not feel easy.


There are few chinese here, I don't know why, till now, professor is nice, he introduce a chinese female professor to me to help me solve some living problems. he is nice.


About the chicken, we must collect a lot of tissue from chickens, so everytime after I killed the chicken, I took some of them home and cook them, taste great but I don't want to eat more.Although it is very tired working in farm, but I like it more than reading papers. hehe. I would like to see more chinese people here.







来tamu 已经半年了,感觉还不错,没有想象中那么痛苦,虽然确实很累,刚开始在听课时语言也有障碍,现在好多了,总体来说过的还是挺开心的。

我觉得tamu 最大的优点就是安静而且干净,学费便宜(硕士),校园特别的大,校车很方便,延伸到校园的各个角落,所以这里不买车还是可以的。生活费用比较低,我现在自己住着2bedroom, 1bathroom, 有个停车位,每个月476(+40的水电费),我很能吃,250每个月够了,汽油费150每个月(跑车)最大的缺点就是不管硕士还是博士,不管半奖还是全奖,所有人都要交学杂费,基础是每学期800多美金,然后再根据你所属院系的不同增加学杂费,虽然我有奖学金,这学期还是交了1700多,博士可能要交2000多(健康保险和体育中心,设施等费用)。有的院系奖学金高,2700多一个月(气象系,每个月158的税),有的院低(我:1130 每个月,同时给教授作TA,每个月多给我800,poultry science不交税)。






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下一篇:【就读体验】我在纽约州立大学石溪分校(STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY)留学